Have AWS related questions? We Would Love to Help!

Since we started in 2019, we wrote a few blog posts about the technologies that we use daily at CloudForecast. A very popular one is Using AWS Athena to Convert A CSV file to Parquet. Our goal with these articles is to give back to the community and hopefully help some folks around the world build some cool stuff on Amazon Web Services.
After reading our posts, people have reached out to us with questions and we absolutely loved helping! We were able to help them, learn about their business and even came up with new blog post ideas. Win-Win.
Obviously, we won’t re-design your entire infrastructure from scratch but we would be happy to discuss your overall approach or answer very specific questions. (i.e. `I’m using Athena and I’m now getting 2-3 billions of GET on S3, any thoughts?` or `I am trying to read a Parquet file using Python but no luck. Can you help`)
Schedule a time with our calendly link or drop us an email at [email protected]. We are looking forward to your questions and seeing how we can help.
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CloudForecast’s focused daily AWS cost monitoring reports to help busy engineering teams understand their AWS costs, rapidly respond to any overspends, and promote opportunities to save costs.
Monitor & Manage AWS Cost in Seconds — Not Hours
CloudForecast makes the tedious work of AWS cost monitoring less tedious.
AWS cost management is easy with CloudForecast
We would love to learn more about the problems you are facing around AWS cost. Connect with us directly and we’ll schedule a time to chat!