Giving Tuesday 2021: America Scores Bay Area, Code Your Dreams, Women Who Code, Project Reclass

For the 2nd year in a row, CloudForecast donated a portion of our December 2021 revenues to four 501(c)(3) non-profits for Giving Tuesday.
Life’s too short to only think about ourselves. Despite how challenging growing a bootstrapped startup can be, nothing is as challenging as growing up in an underserved community or not having the same opportunities as others.
We want CloudForecast’s purpose to not only be about helping our customers, but we also want our purpose and values to be about making an impact in our local communities with our time and money. “Helping others” brings us the most fulfillment as a company.
Each of these non-profits were hand-picked by each member of our team:
America Scores Bay Area, San Francisco (Picked by Francois)

America SCORES Bay Area is an out-of-school-time program that supports whole child development through the teamwork of soccer, the creativity of poetry, and the compassion of service-learning, while our team-based approach instills our core values of Fair Play, Teamwork, Commitment, and Leadership.
Our Mission: to empower children to lead healthy lifestyles, be engaged and collaborative students and have the confidence and character to make a difference in the world.
America SCORES fulfills an identified need for free, high-quality youth development programming that builds developmental assets that help young people grow up healthy, caring, and engaged.
Our unique mix of soccer, poetry, and service-learning improves outcomes in physical health and well-being, academic engagement, and social-emotional development, helping our poet-athletes build healthy bodies, hearts, and minds.
Code Your Dreams, Chicago (Picked by Tony)

Code Your Dreams is an incubator of underrepresented voices, tech skills, and social justice.
We are a Chicago-based nonprofit that empowers students from underserved communities to engage in different areas of computer science and technology fields, and apply their newfound knowledge to creating community engagement projects.
The program focuses on teaching important fundamentals of technology development, providing career pathways in technology, and honing in on important life skills like perseverance, project management, and communication in the workplace.
Our students don’t just build technology, they also build their communities. Our project-based and student-centered programs enable young people to be the change-makers we know they are through code. Multi-year programs bring students from no coding experience to advanced competency. We’re developing a pipeline of young people from diverse backgrounds to enter tech careers.
Women Who Code, Worldwide (Picked by Kattya)

Women Who Code mission is to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We envision a world where women are proportionally represented as technical leaders, executives, founders, VCs, board members, and software engineers.
Our Commitment:
- Empower with skills needed for professional achievement
- Educate companies to better promote, retain and hire talented women
- Build a global community where networking and mentorship is valued
- Develop role models and support this generation of engineers
Project Reclass (Picked by CloudForecast Team)

95% of incarcerated individuals eventually rejoin society. Incarceration often leads to major setbacks in a person’s career. A majority of those released are re-incarcerated within 5 years.
Project Reclass is a nonprofit vocational program focused on teaching computer networking to incarcerated veterans. Our program provides learning materials, labs, and open-space discussions once a month, and leave it to the grit of our students to study up to the Network+ Certification exam and contribute to society in a civilian capacity.
Reclassification is the process of transitioning from one military occupational specialty to another. At Project Reclass, we believe investing upfront in individuals who are working towards financial independence makes enduring improvements to our communities. We are a team of civic-minded industry professionals passionate about helping individuals striving for upward mobility to reclassify.
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